ELLIS PAUL (40) gilt in der amerikanischen Liedermacherszene als Ausnahmeerscheinung. Seine Musik, solo vorgetragen mit Akustikgitarre und Mundharmonika oder auch mal mit Klavier, schägt eine Brücke zwischen typischem Liedermacherstil, Folk, Country und Softrock. Bekannt wurde er durch seinen Soundtrack zum Kinofilm Shallow Hal mit Gwyneth Paltrow.
Mit den Augen eines Malers für die Details und den Ohren eines Poeten für die Sprache beschreibt Ellis Paul liebevoll die Helden seiner melodischen Kurzgeschichten und haucht ihnen mit seiner außergewöhnlichen, charismatischen Stimme Leben ein.
Sein 11. Album American Jukebox Fables klingt wie ein vertontes Road Movie mit Bildern und Geschichten von Menschen, die ihm entlang der endlosen Highways begegnen. Andere Stücke sind Reflektionen des Künstlers über seine eigene Identität.
2005: American Jukebox Fables
2003: Side of the Road (with Vance Gilbert)
2002: The Speed of Trees
2002: 3000 Miles
2001: Sweet Mistakes
2000: Live
1998: Translucent Soul
1995: A Carnival of Voices
1994: Stories
1993: Say Something
1989: Urban Folk Songs
1989: Am I Home

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2 Kommentare:
As someone who’s written wonderful words about the great music coming from singer songwriter Ellis Paul – first I’d like to tell you thank you. I’ve been Ellis Paul's friend and manager since 1992 and his music, words and friendship are jewels in my life. Upon examining the state of the music industry, Ellis and I have realized that far and away the most important connections that we have are not at all on the business side of the equation – it’s the people that love Ellis’ music. They’re more important than the biggest retailer or the most powerful radio station - so we’re starting a campaign to empower the people. Ellis’ new album “The Day After Everything Changed” was completely funded by his fans and is one of the finest he’s ever recorded. Many of Ellis' fans and folks passionate about great songwriting don’t even know that it’s been released. So if you’d like to help support a truly independent artist – here’s how. The lead single track on TDAEC is “Annalee”, and if you go to www.ellispaul.com/free you can download “Annalee” for free. Unlike so many other free song offers – you don’t have to give us your email, sign up or register for anything at all. It’s free for the taking. The small favor we would ask? Please share it with any and all of your friends that would enjoy Ellis’ music. This would help our efforts and help spread the music. This truly is a campaign about the power of the people in the support of independent music and artists.
Please stay in touch.
And thank you.
Ralph Jaccodine, Manager
Hallo Mr Jaccodine,
Thank You for Your msg!
I will do my best to spread the word through all my Internet channels (in English, German and Italian language).
peter patti
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