Sein Spott war zärtlich, seine Kritik poetisch, sein Humor tiefschwarz: Ludwig Hirsch hat es seinem Publikum nie einfach gemacht. Mit sanfter Stimme zwang er zum Zuhören, um dann in scheinbar harmlosen Geschichten bittere Wahrheiten zu erzählen. Mit 65 Jahren ist der Musiker, Sänger und Schauspieler heute in Wien gestorben. Freunde und Wegbegleiter sind schockiert.

He was a great Austrian folk singer and songwriter, a delicate poet who criticized the middle-class mentality, the falsity of a life "between us", the nationalism. He wrote wonderful melodies, sometimes pretty sad melodies, and lyrics that made you laugh while you was getting the blues.
Ludwig got the blues - once again, and for the last time - last Thursday night. His body has been found on the pavement outside of a Vienna hospital. Ludwig Hirsch had lung cancer. As he sprang out of the window, he must have thought: "Komm, grosser schwarzer Vogel" ("Come to me, big black bird"), like one of his songs say.
And so, another big Austrian musician passes away after Falco and after Georg Danzer... It's strange that quite all the best German speaking artists don't come from Germany but from the neighbour country Austria...
Ludwig got the blues - once again, and for the last time - last Thursday night. His body has been found on the pavement outside of a Vienna hospital. Ludwig Hirsch had lung cancer. As he sprang out of the window, he must have thought: "Komm, grosser schwarzer Vogel" ("Come to me, big black bird"), like one of his songs say.
And so, another big Austrian musician passes away after Falco and after Georg Danzer... It's strange that quite all the best German speaking artists don't come from Germany but from the neighbour country Austria...
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